Announcing ACP Spokane

John WeingartenWe are excited to announce the launch of our latest ACP chapter in Spokane, Washington, directed by John Weingarten. No sooner did John retire from Gonzaga University than he signed up to direct the 11th chapter of the Anti-Choice Project!

Eager to be out exposing the unjust reality of “Reproductive Choice”, John hit the streets with a crew of volunteers on Saturday, May 31, before even receiving a full set of ACP signs. John already had some signs he had purchased from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform which they were able to use for their first display. We love John’s enthusiasm and readiness to step up and defend life while so many others in our culture, even those who claim to be pro-life, hardly ever consider the plight of the unborn child.

Here are some pictures from ACP Spokane’s first protest:

John is a very strong and active advocate for the unborn in his work with 40 Days for Life, his participation with Show the Truth, and a new sidewalk counseling ministry he will be directing. We are thrilled to have him join our team!