Crashes NAACP Party

The NAACP held their centennial convention last week. Organizers from and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform were there to educate attendees about the disproportionate number of black babies who are aborted in America. Read the rest...

Kitsap Sun Publishes Police Report

The Kitsap Sun has published the police report of Sunday’s incident of assault against one of our demonstrators. The report inaccurately describes the assault as merely being soda thrown, when it was really the whole cup with soda and ice in it that was thrown square in the face of one of our protesters (see video). Join in, defend and support the ACP and help us denounce all acts of violence, including the killing of abortionist George Tiller, the act of assault against our demonstrator and most of all the dismemberment of children in the womb by abortion. Teenager Throws Soda on Anti-Abortion...

Pro-Choice Violence

Violence committed by pro-choicers against pro-lifers is unheard of in the news despite being a regular occurrence. During our most recent demonstration, an upset woman and her grown children approached some of our demonstrators and screamed belligerently in their faces. The video below documents the incident, including the act of assault committed against one of our demonstrators (seen at about 1 min 58 sec), where a young woman threw a cup (with soda and ice) at the face of a pro-life sign holder. Indeed it is no surprise that those willing to tolerate and condone violence against unborn humans might also be willing to commit violence against born...

ACP Condems All Abortion Related Violence

This morning, George Tiller, the infamous late term abortionist from Kansas, was shot dead on his way into church. This unfortunate news comes as a reminder of why abortion abolitionists must oppose all abortion related violence. Because, just as abortion is an unjustifiable act of violence, so too is any violence waged against abortionists, no matter the hundreds or thousands of innocent pre-born he or she is responsible for killing. The Anti-Choice Project condemns all abortion related violence and will not associate with groups or individuals who fail to condemn such violence. We recommend reading the following chapter from Joe Sheidler’s book “Closed,” called Violence: Why it won’t...

Imagine the Potential

Talks are underway to air this during the American Idol finals. Update: The ad has been accepted to air during the closing episode of American Idol. (H/T Jill...