The following is from our quarterly newsletter. You can be among the first to receive our printed newsletter and see previous issues here.
In September we were contacted by Melissa Stiwinter of Cullowhee, North Carolina. Melissa wanted to start a chapter of the Anti-Choice Project in her home town. Cullowhee is a college town, and since one quarter of all abortions are performed on college-age women, Melissa’s outreach to those in her community will be especially effective. After receiving eight of our “Choice” signs in the mail, she wrote, “WOW! The signs are much more powerful in person. What an impact this is going to have on our small communities here in WNC [Western North Carolina]. As my 10 year old daughter says ‘We just want to save the babies!’ Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to make a difference! The Holy Spirit in jumping inside me and I know great things are to come from this project.”

Melissa Stiwinter (right), with volunteers in Cullowhee, NC on campus at Western Carolina University, October 30th
We thank Melissa — and all our chapter directors — for their courage and dedication to lead the charge against a culture of death and expose the evil of abortion.
“God commands us to expose the deeds of darkness in Ephesians 5:11 and there is no deed darker than abortion. When Christians help Planned Parenthood hide the horror of abortion, savable babies are butchered and public opinion will never support outlawing abortion.” – Gregg Cunningham, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
Nationwide Protests of Planned Parenthood
On August 22nd, and again on October 10th, the Anti-Choice Project joined with over 60 state and national organizations in a joint protest against Planned Parenthood coordinated by our friends at Pro-Life Action League and Created Equal. The nationwide protests capitalize on the outrage Americans felt following the release of a series of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood abortionists and executives negotiating the sale of baby body parts. On August 22nd, more than 50 people held signs for an hour outside the Planned Parenthood in Bremerton. ACP chapters in Bellingham, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and Lincoln, Nebraska also led protests in their cities. Altogether, nearly 100,000 people turned out for 654 individual protests at 374 Planned Parenthood facilities. See photos of displays here.

ACP chapters in Bellingham and Bremerton, WA, Lincoln, NE, Dallas, TX, and Washington, D.C. joined nearly 100,000 people in the nationwide protests of Planned Parenthood on August 22nd
ACP Bellingham Crashes Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
On September 29th, pro-abortionists in Bellingham, Washington, organized a ‘Pink Out Day’ because they were “sick and tired of the relentless attacks on reproductive health care.” Three local businesses — Temple Bar, Redlight and The Shakedown — volunteered to donate 15% of their sales to Planned Parenthood. However, ACP chapter director Bridget Adams made sure their celebration would be short lived, and that patrons of each business would know precisely what their money was going to pay for. As is always the case, horrified at the sight the pro-abortionists tried in vain to hide the truth. Our only question for them is, if abortion really is a justifiable choice, why should a picture of it be so disturbing? See photos of the display here.

Abortion advocates try to block our “Choice” signs at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Bellingham, Washington on September 29th.
Billboard Along Washington State Highway 16
The Anti-Choice Project has secured four weeks of prime billboard space along the heavily-trafficked Highway 16 beginning in late December. This particular billboard receives more than 200,000 “impressions” or views each week. Although Clear Channel, the company that owns the billboard, will not allow abortion victims to be displayed on their sign, we will be shifting public opinion to our side with the statement, “Real men don’t pressure women to abort.”

ACP Billboard displayed in Kitsap County, Washington in January 2016
“Some people argue that changing laws will not eliminate abortions. It is certainly true that a change of heart is more important than a change of law. What is forgotten, however, is that the law is the great teacher. Children grow up believing that if a practice is legal, it must be moral.” – Cardinal John O’Connor
New – Donate to ACP by Credit Card Without PayPal
All of this work is accomplished through your prayers and your financial support. And we want you to know that beginning this quarter the Anti-Choice Project is now able to accept Debit and Credit Card donations without the use PayPal, for those of you who wish to support our work in this way. No account necessary. You can even send us your credit card info back to us in the mail and designate a one-time or recurring gift, and we will take care of the rest. As always, we thank you, and promise to keep you in our prayers.