Response to Simcha Fisher of the National Catholic Register on “Eight Reasons Not to Use Graphic Abortion Images at the March for Life”

What follows is a response by ACP Co-founder, Tom Herring, to the objections made by Simcha Fisher in her article about the public display of abortion pictures which was published January 22, 2013 by the National Catholic Register. This question of graphic abortion photos used in public needs to be settled because it is so critically important to the success of our pro-life activism. First, I find it remarkable—perplexing even—that Ms. Fisher opens by stating: “Many of us remember seeing those bloody images for the first time, and can recall being shaken out of a vague, fuzzy support for the pro-life cause into the realization that this is a life-and-death struggle—real life, and real death.” She’s absolutely right, of course. Most of us can remember the first time we saw the pictures. Twenty years later, I can still remember vividly the moment in my life when I first saw them: I was at home, in the 8th grade (13 years old) when my dad showed them to me. I could not believe that what I was seeing was perfectly legal in America. If, as Simcha Fisher notes, the pictures are what shook many [all?] of us out of a “vague, fuzzy support for the pro-life cause” into the full realization and appreciation for what was at stake, and the effort which would be required to stop it, then she has just torpedoed every subsequent argument for hiding the truth and covering up abortion images. “But a public place is not the place to use these images—ever, I’m convinced.” Ok, let’s examine her reasons why.   First Objection: Children will be at...

ACP Billboard Reminds Kitsap County to Vote Pro-Life

Last week our first-ever billboard began showing in Kitsap County, Washington, reminding tens of thousands of daily commuters to Vote Pro-Life. Those who see our billboard and visit the special website we have set up at will be welcomed by a message addressed to voters:When it comes to choosing our representatives, there should be certain positions which automatically disqualify a candidate from earning our vote. For example, a candidate who promotes and advocates white supremacy — regardless of how much his economic, environmental, or other policies align with our own view — would never get a vote from people of conscience. The reason is obvious: there exists a hierarchy of values, and at the top of that list is the dignity of all human beings, not just fair-skinned human beings.In the same way, a political candidate who advocates for abortion should be automatically disqualified from earning our vote.* Abortion is an act of violence which kills a baby. Our pictures prove that fact. And just as there can be no justification for discriminating between human beings of different races, there is no justification for discriminating between human beings of different ages. All human beings deserve human rights.”A person is a person, no matter how small,” said Dr. Seuss. And we concur. Always vote...
Video: Man Lashes Out on Anti-Choice Project Signs and Camera

Video: Man Lashes Out on Anti-Choice Project Signs and Camera

Kenrick Bradley approached Anti-Choice Project co-founder, Andrew St.Hilaire, during a protest in front of Olympic College in Bremerton, Washington, on May 2, 2012, and began cursing us for showing what happens to 68 babies every single day in Washington State, and 3,500 babies nation-wide. Mr. Bradley grabbed our abortion-photo signs and threw them over a fence. He then tried to steal our video camera, presumably to destroy the evidence of his behavior. Watch the video yourself (WARNING: contains strong language): Like many Americans, Mr. Bradley finds the sight of abortion intolerable. But this only raises the question: If abortion is too terrible to look at, why are we tolerating it? The Anti-Choice Project knows that injustices which are covered up have no hope of ending. Horrifying pictures always offend but historically, they are the key to social reform. As abolitionist William Wilberforce said, “You may choose to look away, but you can never again say that you did not know.” On May 23, 2012, Kenrick Bradley pled guilty to charges of Malicious Mischief. He was ordered to pay $388 for damages to our signs and camera equipment as well as court...
ACP Joins the Washington State March for Life

ACP Joins the Washington State March for Life

Today, the ACP joined the March for Life in Olympia, WA! Despite the inclement weather, there was still about 2,500 people in attendance standing up for babies’ rights. The ACP was there because pro-lifers — even dedicated ones who attend marches in the cold — need to be educated on and reminded of the full extent and brutal reality of abortion. We received several positive comments, including those from a man who had never seen what abortion looks like. He expressed his shock and thanked us for being there. Here are a few pictures from the event. You can see the rest on our Facebook...

ACP Kansas City Launches

We are proud to announce our newest Anti-Choice Project chapter has just been launched in Kansas City, MO. Our good friends Caleb and April Pearson have received a shipment of new signs, and will soon be heading up protests along the busiest streets of Kansas City. The Anti-Choice Project is making abortion impossible to ignore or trivialize by confronting indifferent Americans with the horrifying reality that abortion is an act of violence which kills a baby. Injustices which are covered up do not end, so our strategy for ending abortion is to get these pictures in the hands of pro-lifers in every American city. If you are in the Kansas City area and would like to join Caleb and April — or if you would like to establish an ACP chapter of your own — please email us at...

Silverdale Planned Parenthood Closure

Almost three years after the Anti-Choice Project began regular protesting with graphic abortion photos in Silverdale, Washington, the Planned Parenthood health center in that town is closing, reports the Kitsap Sun. Kristen Glundberg-Prossor, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, attributes the closure to less federal and state taxpayer funding. The Anti-Choice Project readily concedes that a shortage of government subsidies played a significant role in their decision making. But it is no less true that the nation’s largest abortion provider became far less popular as soon as pictures of the dismembered babies leaving Planned Parenthood were put on display along the busiest streets of Silverdale, thanks to ACP. Injustices which are covered up have no hope of ending. In a democracy, laws which enable victimization of the innocent — for instance, taxpayer funding of abortion laws — are overturned only after a majority are bothered enough by the injustice to end it. The Anti-Choice Project is making abortion impossible to ignore or trivialize by bothering citizens with the horrifying evidence that abortion kills children in an increasing number of counties across the...