Belfair Protest = Another Letter to the Editor

The ACP made it’s first debut outside Kitsap County this past Saturday as we protested in Belfair, WA. It was an great location to expose “Choice” and the response was greatly supportive. There were of course a few who made sure we knew we were not welcome. A lady shouted out her car window, “What are you doing in Belfair?! They don’t even have an abortion clinic here!” But the truth is, people in Belfair are having abortions, have had abortions and are complacent in the injustice of abortion, as is true all across America. She continued, “You’re going to get yourselves shot!” She then proceeded to hurl eggs at one of us — though we were fortunate she had poor aim. Not at all surprising that someone willing to tolerate violence against unborn human beings would have no problem acting out violently against born human beings. This weekend’s protest has inspired yet another letter to the editor, this time calling into question whether holding pictures of aborted babies constitutes free speech. Please read and comment: Why Are Graphic Abortion Signs Allowed? The letter writer’s question has been answered in several court cases, most recently the 9th circuit court decision Center for Bio-Ethical Reform vs. LA County Sheriffs Department: “the government cannot silence messages simply because they cause discomfort, fear, or even...

Fr. Frank Pavone – It’s All About Life Conference

This Sunday, Tom and myself, along with family members, friends, and hundreds united in the fight against the Culture of Death, were privileged to hear Fr. Frank Pavone speak at the It’s All About Life Conference in Seattle. Fr. Pavone founded Priests for Life in 1993, one of the leading pro-life organizations in the United States. Priests for Life has partnered with Rachel’s Vineyard, the largest post-abortion healing ministry in the world, and Silent No More Awareness, a campaign which includes a coalition of women and men who speak out about their regret to abort their children. Fr. Pavone is decidedly one of the most dynamic and influential leaders in the Pro-Life Movement; a man who has dedicated his life to defending the most vulnerable in our society. Fr. Pavone speaking to a crowd of about 150 outside Planned Parenthood in Seattle Fr. Pavone gave an outstanding talk which presented the way forward for the Pro-Life Movement, in part by highlighting the many ways in which we are winning this fight in America, in spite of the recent set backs which have come from President Obama’s pro-abortion agenda. Among many powerful statements, the following struck me: Public servants who can’t tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public do not belong in public office. Discussing the ACP with Fr. Pavone Tom & Andrew with Fr. Pavone Before his talk, Tom and I had the opportunity to tell him about The Anti-Choice Project. I told him it was, in part, his strong defense of using the graphic images and his statement that “America will not reject abortion...